Dear HealthServe Australia friends and supporters,

We thank you for your support and partnership as we enter the joyful season of spring as there is new life and new growth to celebrate. This is a year where we can reflect on God’s goodness.

“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with goodness."
Psalm 107:1

In east Africa, when Christians meet a common greeting is as follows - the first person says “God is good, all the time. The second person responds, “All the time, God is good.” 

"And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day."
Genesis 1:31

Our vision in HealthServe Australia is to see this goodness of right relationships return to our lives – that we relate well to ourselves, our communities, our nations, and the creation in which we live, especially in the domain of health.

purple-petaled flowers

Psalm 37.3–4 instructs us, “Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”


Funds have been distributed!

We celebrate with you the generosity of many who supported our end of financial year appeal. Our new Public Benevolent Institution status contributed here also. Thank you! These supports are now distributed to partners.

I thank you for your generosity in partnering with six doctors from our Oceania region and from Africa to attend the ICMDA World Congress in Arusha Tanzania in late June 2023. All are most grateful. The conference in the growing energetic Tanzanian city of Arusha was a great success. 

Thank you for your ongoing support of HealthServe Australia.


The Voice and Indigenous health

We encourage all to vote in the upcoming Voice referendum. We have discussed this and opted to support the Voice. Please see our HealthServe Australia Voice statement here. As we discussed we have recognised a wide range of views of people of good heart, yet all are solidly supportive of improving the health and welfare of Australian and Torres Strait Islander people.


This Saturday: Join our Annual Conference

We will hold our annual conference on this Saturday morning October 7. Please join us and hear firsthand from those on the front line of improving global health.

Click here to join the online Zoom meeting.


Base Funding Appeal

HSA is currently running a base funding appeal to strengthen this important work in the years ahead. Click here to donate.

This is partly due to news that I have expressed my desire to step down from my volunteer role by the end of this year. 

I and my wife, Jean, have previously been serving in mission activities in Tanzania, and we have accepted a new role at the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre add KCMC Hyperlink and photo of Mt Kilimanjaro, where we will contribute to starting a general practice training program for doctors in Tanzania. 

(Please note that all donations to our HSA Administration are now fully tax deductible.)



Thanks to all our partners, members and supporters as we reflect on opportunities in this Year of Goodness.


Building health, hope and wholeness,

Dr Michael Burke
HealthServe Australia

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ABN 42 958 367 110

HealthServe Australia works in partnership with other international organisations, complementing their strengths with health resources. It has a special relationship with the largest group of Christian health professionals in Australia, the Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Australia (CMDFA) through which it was established. Many of the CMDFA members have worked for a number of years overseas in health work.



We acknowledge the traditional owners of the lands on which we work and live, and pay our respects to First Nations people, and their Elders past and present.

ACNC Registered Charity